A complete full text of the book (second printing) is available in Book Contents.
The following errata have been identified in the book’s first printing:
- Chapter 1, box 1.4: in the 5th line the reference should be to figure 1.7
- Chapter 2, figure 2.3: the sector contributions in the point of emission allocation should be as follows: Energy supply 26%, Industry 19%, Agriculture 14%
- Chapter 2, page 34, line 2: should read “, with the industry sector being the largest”.
- Chapter 2, box 2.2, last line: replace “2005” by “2000
- Chapter 5, page 121, 4th line from bottom: replace “850” with “920”.
- Chapter 5, page 143, figure 5.26 (a) and (b): X-axis units to be replaced by “US$/MWh”
- Chapter 7, page 184, last line: peplace “22%” by “23%”
- Chapter 10, page 264, figure 10.2 caption: add “for 2020” at the end of the caption text.
The following errata have been identified in the second printing:
- Chapter 1, box 1.4: in the 5th line the reference should be to figure 1.7
- Chapter 5, page 121, 4th line from bottom: replace “850” with “920”.
- Chapter 10, page 264, figure 10.2 caption: add “for 2020” at the end of the caption text.
Have you found other errata, or do you have questions? Get in touch through the Contact page.